Centres for Civic Initiatives - Spot-light story http://www.cci.ba Centres for Civic Initiatives - Spot-light story Centres for Civic Initiatives - Spot-light story 130 80 http://www.cci.ba http://www.cci.ba/images/print_pg.jpg <![CDATA[Newsletter 1st quarter of 2024 - Assistance To Citizens In the Fight Against Corruption]]>http://www.cci.ba/news/2/42/112.htmlhttp://www.cci.ba/news/2/42/112.htmlFri, 07 Jun 2024

We present you newsletter within the project »Assistance To Citizens In the Fight Against Corruption«. Below you will find an overview of the most significant aspects of work of informal citizen groups and civil society organizations in their anti-corruption initiatives, as well as an overview of the work of the project implementing organizations on project during the 1st quarter of 2024.

<![CDATA[PUBLIC CALL FOR THE EXTERNAL EVALUATION]]>http://www.cci.ba/news/2/42/111.htmlhttp://www.cci.ba/news/2/42/111.htmlMon, 08 Apr 2024

 The evaluation is related to the strategic relevance of the core support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) to the CCI for its programme operations. The programmatic period of Sida core support is 18 months, from January 1, 2023, until June 30, 2024.

<![CDATA[KONKURS ZA POSAO - PROJEKT KOORDINATOR]]>http://www.cci.ba/news/2/42/110.htmlhttp://www.cci.ba/news/2/42/110.htmlWed, 21 Feb 2024

Pozicija: Projekt koordinator

Organizacija: Centri civilnih inicijativa (CCI)

Lokacija: Tuzla / Doboj, BiH

Konkurs za poziciju Projekt koordinator.pdf

<![CDATA[Newsletter 4th quarter of 2023 - Assistance To Citizens In the Fight Against Corruption]]>http://www.cci.ba/news/2/42/109.htmlhttp://www.cci.ba/news/2/42/109.htmlThu, 08 Feb 2024

We present you newsletter within the project »Assistance To Citizens In the Fight Against Corruption«. Below you will find an overview of the most significant aspects of work of informal citizen groups and civil society organizations in their anti-corruption initiatives, as well as an overview of the work of the project implementing organizations on project during the 4th quarter of 2023.

<![CDATA[ Newsletter III kvartal 2023 – Podrška građanima u borbi protiv korupcije]]>http://www.cci.ba/news/2/42/108.htmlhttp://www.cci.ba/news/2/42/108.htmlWed, 29 Nov 2023

Predstavljamo newsletter u okviru projekta „Podrška građanima u borbi protiv korupcije (ACFC)". U prilogu ćete pronaći pregled aktuelnosti o borbi neformalnih građanskih grupa i organizacija protiv korupcije u lokalnoj zajednici, kao i radu implementatora projekta za period trećeg kvartala 2023. godine.

<![CDATA[ Newsletter 2nd quarter of 2023 - Assistance To Citizens In the Fight Against Corruption]]>http://www.cci.ba/news/2/42/107.htmlhttp://www.cci.ba/news/2/42/107.htmlFri, 18 Aug 2023

We present you newsletter within the project »Assistance To Citizens In the Fight Against Corruption«. Below you will find an overview of the most significant aspects of work of informal citizen groups and civil society organizations in their anti-corruption initiatives, as well as an overview of the work of the project implementing organizations on project during the 2nd quarter of 2023.

<![CDATA[ Newsletter 1st quarter of 2023 - Assistance To Citizens In the Fight Against Corruption]]>http://www.cci.ba/news/2/42/106.htmlhttp://www.cci.ba/news/2/42/106.htmlFri, 12 May 2023

We present you newsletter within the project »Assistance To Citizens In the Fight Against Corruption«. Below you will find an overview of the most significant aspects of work of informal citizen groups and civil society organizations in their anti-corruption initiatives, as well as an overview of the work of the project implementing organizations on project during the 1st quarter of 2023. 

<![CDATA[Javni poziv za angažman Eksperta za monitoring medija]]>http://www.cci.ba/news/2/42/105.htmlhttp://www.cci.ba/news/2/42/105.htmlFri, 31 Mar 2023

Centri civilnih inicijativa (CCI) kao partner za Bosnu i Hercegovinu, sudjeluju u regionalnom projektu „Borba protiv dezinformacija na Zapadnom Balkanu" (Combatting Disinformation in the Western Balkans) koji se pored Bosne i Hercegovine provodi još u Srbiji, Crnoj Gori i Kosovu.

Za potrebe projekta, CCI traži eksperte za monitoring koji će se fokusirati na rješavanje manipulacije stranim informacijama. Eksperti će se pridružiti našem timu početkom aprila 2023. godine i doprinijeti uspješnoj realizaciji aktivnosti koje će biti organizovane u kontekstu ovog projekta.

Javni poziv za Eksperta za monitoring medija

Finansijska ponuda

<![CDATA[Analiza finansiranja, upravljanja i rukovođenja Fonda solidarnosti Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine]]>http://www.cci.ba/news/2/42/104.htmlhttp://www.cci.ba/news/2/42/104.htmlMon, 20 Mar 2023

Centri civilnih inicijativa su izradili Analizu finansiranja, upravljanja i rukovođenja Fonda solidarnosti FBiH.

Analiza finansiranja, upravljanja i rukovođenja Fonda solidarnosti FBiH

<![CDATA[Želiš biti jedan od lidera u borbi protiv korupcije? Prijavi se i pridruži nam se!]]>http://www.cci.ba/news/2/42/103.htmlhttp://www.cci.ba/news/2/42/103.htmlMon, 13 Feb 2023

 Ukoliko si ambiciozna osoba koja želi promjenu na bolje u svom okruženju, imaš želju da se boriš protiv korupcije u svojoj lokalnoj zajednici zbog koje je ugrožen javni interes i napredak zajednice, na pravom si mjestu!
