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The evaluation is related to the strategic relevance of the core support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) to the CCI for its programme operations. The programmatic period of Sida core support is 18 months, from January 1, 2023, until June 30, 2024.

Sida support for CCI is anchored in the strategic objectives outlined in the CCI's Strategic Plan for 2022-2027, as follows:

Established transparent, responsible, depoliticised, and efficient public administration that responds to citizens' needs and engages citizens in decision-making.

BiH society establishes a zero-tolerance rate for all forms of corruption and misuse of public resources.

The Improved rule of law in BiH and restored citizens' confidence in the electoral process.

State institutions, with the active involvement of civil society, have taken essential steps and reforms in areas important for the accession to the European Union.

Improved perspectives for the sustainability of civil society organisations in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The primary objective of this evaluation is to ascertain the effectiveness of the organisation's strategic plan implementation that Sida supported in the indicated period. This includes examining how well the supported activities advance the strategic goals outlined by the CCI, which focus on good governance, anti-corruption measures, rule of law, EU integrations, and the sustainability of civil society in Bosnia and Herzegovina. CCI has published a public call for hiring an external evaluator.

The external evaluation refers to the entire period of implementation of the institutional support project (January 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024), and during the evaluation, the external evaluator should take into account the following criteria:

Alignment with strategic goals

Programme implementation and impact

Operational challenges and pace of implementation

Evaluation of process impact

Recommendations for strategic enhancement

Also, the Evaluator is expected to identify major findings related to lessons that can be learned from the activities and which best practices, if any, can be identified and used in future work. The evaluator will deliver the required products in accordance with the plan defined in the attachment, and all reports will be written in English.

Applicants for the evaluator position are required to meet the following criteria:

Hold a social science degree or a closely related field.

Have a minimum of 10 years of professional work experience, including experience in conducting evaluations.

Demonstrate experience in the sector or technical areas pertinent to the evaluation or possess a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter to be evaluated. This includes familiarity with international support in democratization processes and/or support to CSO development within the country.

Possess core competencies in evaluation, including the ability to analyse and interpret complex interactions and social trends.

Have excellent communication and writing skills in both BCS (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian) and the English language.

The applications will be evaluated taking into consideration the general and specific experience criteria (max 15%), previous references (max 25%), proposed methodology (max 40%), and the amount proposed in the financial bid (max 20%).

Applications must be sent in English and entail the following:

Letter of intent and availability

Copy of a degree

The CV should be presented in the EU format.

At least two references from similar assignments with complete contact information

A brief explanation of the methodology

Financial bid for service (on a form included in this call)

The application should be delivered by April 22, 2024, at 16:00 hours, with the subject heading: “Prijava za eksternu evaluaciju” by post to the following address: Centri civilnih initiative, Ludviga Kube 7, 75.000 Tuzla.

More information at the link:

TOR - CCI external evaluation


Detaljnije informacije na linku:

TOR - CCI external evaluation