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Capacity Building for Monitoring, Advocacy and Awareness Raising (SELDI)

Donator: EU
Ukupan budžet: 222.215,54 KM
Trajanje: maj 2018.- maj 2022.

O projektu:

CENTERS FOR CIVIC INITIATIVES (CCI) as the partner of SELDI initiative in Bosnia and Herzegovina impelements activities within the project/title of the action: Civil Society for Good Governance and Anti-Corruption in Southeast Europe: Capacity Building for Monitoring, Advocacy and Awareness Raising (SELDI). The proposed action aims to implement the Civil Society Strategy and Joint Strategic Programme for Good Governance and Anti-corruption 2020. In line with the global and specific objectives of the call and with its priorities the proposed action strives to: (i) improve the environment and policies concerning CSOs in the region by tackling civil society capture and loss of trust in civil society organisations in the region; (ii) increase networking and build partnerships with local grass-roots organisations active on anticorruption, across regional thematic networks, and with public organisations implementing the anticorruption policies of the region and at EU level; (iii) strengthen its internal monitoring and advocacy capacity, and increase its effective policy communication with other stakeholders and the general public.

Southeast Europe Leadership for Development and Integrity (SELDI) is an anti-corruption and good governance coalition created in November 2012 by 17 likeminded CSOs in Southeast Europe, involving partners from nine countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey). By 2016, it encompasses 29 members from eleven countries (including Moldova and Romania). The Network is operating on the basis of joint strategy and agreed action agenda. The objective of the regional initiative is to contribute to a dynamic civil society in the region, capable of participating in public debate and influencing policy and decision-making process in the area of anti-corruption and good governance. The initiative is a continuation of the Southeast European Legal Development Initiative (SELDI), created in 1999 by leading not-for-profit organizations, representatives of government institutions and experts from the countries of Southeast Europe aimed at public-private coalition building for legal development in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia and Turkey.

Cilj inicijative:

The objective of the regional initiative is to contribute to a dynamic civil society in the region, capable of participating in public debate and influencing policy and decision-making process in the area of anti-corruption and good governance.
