Učinkovitija javna revizija za smanjenje korupcije u BiH
Učinkovitija javna revizija za smanjenje korupcije u BiH
Resursni centar za BiH civilno društvo u EU integracijama
Sistem državne pomoći u BiH
Sistem državne pomoći u BiH
Analiza sistema državne pomoći u BiH - Zakon i praksa
Koalicja za slobodne i poštene izbore
Bolje Sarajevo
Ustavne reforme za bolju lokalnu samoupravu u Kantonu Sarajevo
Virtuelni parlament
680+ virtuelnih kancelarija izabranih predstavnika - Najveća virtelna građevnia u BiH
Učinkovitija javna revizija za smanjenje korupcije u BiH
Resursni centar za BiH civilno društvo u EU integracijama
Sistem državne pomoći u BiH
Analiza sistema državne pomoći u BiH - Zakon i praksa
Koalicja za slobodne i poštene izbore
Bolje Sarajevo
Ustavne reforme za bolju lokalnu samoupravu u Kantonu Sarajevo
Virtuelni parlament
680+ virtuelnih kancelarija izabranih predstavnika - Najveća virtelna građevnia u BiH

eNewsletter: Issue XXXIII, April 2013 - June 2013
Isprintaj stranicuPošalji na mail


A country in which 1/8 of the population is out of job, in which the new-born babies do not exist, as they do not have a personal identification number, in which the citizens are faced with a threat of impossibility of leaving the country, in which the citizens are asking the elected representatives in the street to start solving the problems, rather than generating the new ones, is the Bosnia and Herzegovina at the beginning of 21st century. This is a country that has 13 governments and parliaments. The work of these governments and parliaments is monitored by CCI and reports on it are provided to the public. What they did in the first quarter 2013, what was their performance and how much attention they paid in their work to the lives of ordinary people and to solving the most burning problems in the country – you can read all this below. These activities are implemented as part of the CAPP II project, financially supported by USAID.  More...

You can find out more of the work of the authorities on the BiH level on

More findings of the monitoring of work of the authorities on the level of Federation of BiH

Results of the monitoring of work of the autorities on the Republika Srpska level
