Učinkovitija javna revizija za smanjenje korupcije u BiH
Učinkovitija javna revizija za smanjenje korupcije u BiH
Resursni centar za BiH civilno društvo u EU integracijama
Sistem državne pomoći u BiH
Sistem državne pomoći u BiH
Analiza sistema državne pomoći u BiH - Zakon i praksa
Koalicja za slobodne i poštene izbore
Bolje Sarajevo
Ustavne reforme za bolju lokalnu samoupravu u Kantonu Sarajevo
Virtuelni parlament
680+ virtuelnih kancelarija izabranih predstavnika - Najveća virtelna građevnia u BiH
Učinkovitija javna revizija za smanjenje korupcije u BiH
Resursni centar za BiH civilno društvo u EU integracijama
Sistem državne pomoći u BiH
Analiza sistema državne pomoći u BiH - Zakon i praksa
Koalicja za slobodne i poštene izbore
Bolje Sarajevo
Ustavne reforme za bolju lokalnu samoupravu u Kantonu Sarajevo
Virtuelni parlament
680+ virtuelnih kancelarija izabranih predstavnika - Najveća virtelna građevnia u BiH

eNewsletter: Newsletter XXXVI
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The work of executive and legislative authorities in BiH during 2013 was monitored by CCI representatives. Here you can read about performance of the governments and parliaments in BiH at state, entities' and cantonal levels in 2013. More...

During the period September 2013 - March 2014, CCI published reports on performance of cantonal, entities' and state authorities, presenting the level of responsibility, efficiency and effectiveness in 2013. Namely, in 2013 the authorities of almost all levels worked in the interest of their personal and political goals, not caring much to solve the priority problems of citizens of this country. Monitoring the performance of executive and legislative bodies in BiH is part of the project CSSP – Civil Society Sustainability Programme, which is financially supported by USAID.

Regarding the legislative activities, BH Parliament has shown the worst performance since the beginning of monitoring, because in 2013 it approved the total of 35 laws, while in 2009 (which was the third post-election year of the Parliament) it approved 46 laws. 

Speaking of the Federal level, the result of inadequate focusing of FBiH Government is mostly felt by the citizens in the most important segment of life – jobs. The number of unemployed in BH Federation in December 2013 reached the figure of 391.942 persons. FBiH Parliament has shown worse performance with regards to enacting the laws in 2013, i.e. at a level which was by 30% worse compared to the last year. 49 laws were approved in 2012 by FBiH Parliament, and in 2013 only 34, that is to say, 15 laws less. 

In the Republic of Srpska, similarly to the other authority levels in BiH, the Government tries to compensate for excessive public consumption, slow process of reforms and failure in attracting foreign capital by continued indebting, which should be stopped. The biggest problem that the RS citizens have with the Government is its inadequate choice of priorities in work and the lack of courage to face the most serious problems. 
