Učinkovitija javna revizija za smanjenje korupcije u BiH
Učinkovitija javna revizija za smanjenje korupcije u BiH
Resursni centar za BiH civilno društvo u EU integracijama
Sistem državne pomoći u BiH
Sistem državne pomoći u BiH
Analiza sistema državne pomoći u BiH - Zakon i praksa
Koalicja za slobodne i poštene izbore
Bolje Sarajevo
Ustavne reforme za bolju lokalnu samoupravu u Kantonu Sarajevo
Virtuelni parlament
680+ virtuelnih kancelarija izabranih predstavnika - Najveća virtelna građevnia u BiH
Učinkovitija javna revizija za smanjenje korupcije u BiH
Resursni centar za BiH civilno društvo u EU integracijama
Sistem državne pomoći u BiH
Analiza sistema državne pomoći u BiH - Zakon i praksa
Koalicja za slobodne i poštene izbore
Bolje Sarajevo
Ustavne reforme za bolju lokalnu samoupravu u Kantonu Sarajevo
Virtuelni parlament
680+ virtuelnih kancelarija izabranih predstavnika - Najveća virtelna građevnia u BiH

eNewsletter: Newsletter 44
Isprintaj stranicuPošalji na mail


Poor performance of BH governments’ in 2015 CCI’s Annual reports on monitoring the performance of all executive and legislative bodies in BiH for 2015 have been presented to the public. These activities are carried out within the program CSSP - Civil Society Sustainability, and are financially supported by USAID.

CCI announced the annual reports on monitoring the performance of the governments and parliaments at the state, entity's and cantonal levels. More than one million citizens were informed about the work of their representatives during 2015, and the authorities were familiarized with the recommendations for improvement of the work of the said institutions – the adoption of such recommendations is advocated by CCI.

The bottom line of the main findings of monitoring is that in 2015, the parliaments and the governments did not live up to the expectations while on the other hand the conflict between the authorities and the opposition aggravated. Also, many administrative-territorial units failed to form their governments within the legally defined deadlines. A package of recommendations for improving the performance of the parliaments and governments was presented. Among them we single out an initiative for improvement of BH election legislation aimed at setting precise deadlines for forming the governments as well as an obligatory possibility of extraordinary elections in the situations of non-observance of deadlines, blockade of work of institutions and failure of the political actors to reach agreements within „reasonable deadlines“.

Summary reports in the English language can be downloaded here.

BiH state level ...

The Republic of Srpska...

BiH Federation...
