State, entities and cantonal authorities work in 2017 is highlighted in CCI monitoring reports. CCI monitors noticed a serious standstill in European integration. Planned measures were realized with delay, particularly visible from Reform Agenda. Campaigning started early, which additionally slowed down the work of the authorities.
In FBiH political parties in power agree only in one – remaining in power at any cost. Accepting responsibility for the results and effects of political acting is still far away, while personal responsibility for (non)acting has not yet become a characteristic of local politicians. Responsibility for bad results is transferred onto the coalition partners. The consequence is blockade of institutions and deterring the public interests.
The system is very dysfunctional and there is no long-term stability.
Political conflicts of political parties present in the RS parliament in 2017 reached its peak and normal functioning of the institution was endangered.
These acctivities are part of the project 'Civil Society Sustainability Program - CSSP' supported by USAID.
Summaries of monitoring reports you can find on following links.
BiH Federation - Monitoring performance of the FBiH Government and FBiH Parliament 1.1. – 31.12.2017

The Report “State of the Nation” provides a precise overview of the effects of reform in BiH in the period 2015-2018, that is to say, since adoption of the Reform Agenda by its fields:
public finance, business climate, labour market, social and pension policy, public governance and the rule of law and the influence that everything above has on citizens’ standard of living. The report may be summed up in a few phrases: the implementation of the reforms was halted due to the political crisis, the standard of living stagnates and poverty, corruption and social differences among the population still persist.
Report 'State of the Nation' vol 6. in English can be seen at web page www.posaonarodu.ba
Since August 2017, with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in BiH, CCI has been implementing the project “Strengthening the accountability of authorities for the implementation of reforms”, the main goal of which is to increase the efficiency of the implementation of the second stage of the Reform Agenda and speed up the EU integrations, as well as the development of CSOs image and legitimacy in their advocating for solving the problems of BH citizens. All the major activities in this project and the advocacy campaign “Job to the People” are available on website www.posaonarodu.ba

Local partnerships for reducing unemployment in Bijeljina region are at place. City of Bijeljina, local bussiness representative and CCI started the acctivities of reducing unemployment. 43 farmers, project beneficiaries, signed the contracts with CCI and the Food Industry “Sava”.
As part of the project ‘Strengthening the Integral Agricultural Production for Reduction of Unemployment and Substitution of Import in Processing Industry’, 43 farmers in the Semberija area will start the production of paprika. They will get the seeding and the production material and sowing will be provided for them in the territory of a total of 2.500 square meters per user; marketing of products has also been ensured. Semberija has ideal conditions for production of paprika, thus the goal of the project is to connect the producers and the industrial capacities whereby a contribution is made to increasing the employment and the degree of use of domestic resources and capacities. This project enables establishing as good cooperation as possible between the local producers and processors. Planting the peppers starts in the second half of May and with over 12 ha covered by this culture in the Bijeljina area. Until autumn, farmers are expected to deliver about 500 tons of paprika to ‘Sava’.
Besides CCI, who is a leading implementer, the other participants, i.e. partners of the project include Bijeljina City, RS Employment Bureau – Bijeljina branch, ‘Sava Semberija’ and the adult education institution ‘Dositej’. The goal of the project is decreasing unemployment in the Bijeljina area, i.e. increasing competitiveness of local farmers and processors of paprika, which is a part of a broader program “Support to Local Partnerships for Employment in BiH”, financed by the European Union and implemented by the International Labour Organization (ILO). Bijeljina City has recognized the value of the project “Strengthening Integral Agricultural Production for Decreasing Unemployment and Substitution of Import in Processing Industry” and co-finances the project from its own funds.

Street actions in 4 towns throughout BiH. At the end of March, the Coalition „Pod lupom“ held 4 street actions in four towns, i.e. in Tuzla, Banja Luka, Sarajevo and Mostar.
The current layout of the polling station vs. the layout of the polling station advocated by the Coalition, with transparent ballot boxes and short voting screens (partition walls) were presented. Also, the photographs of election irregularities were exhibited and TOP 10 recommendations of the Coalition for Better Elections presented.
These activities are implemented as part of the project BASE – Building Accountability in Elections Systems, implemented by the Coalition „In the Spotlight“, which is supported by EU Delegation in BiH and USAID.

CCI directly involved in preparation of a set of laws on local self-government in Canton Sarajevo. In 2018, the CCI continues the activities on monitoring the work of the Work Group, formed at the end of 2017 by the CS Ministry of Justice
and Administration, which prepares, based on a previous survey, a proposal in the form of pre-draft of amendment of a set of laws, as a basis for further activities in the reform domain. The primary activity in this period relates to making of pre-draft of the Law on Local Self-Government of Canton Sarajevo. In 2017 and 2018, CCI has provided both administrative-technical support in the work of the Work Group for the needs of the required legislation.
In 2018 CCI continued regular meetings with the representatives of the relevant ministry in SC Government, monitoring of the activities of the Work Group, advocating activities aimed at finding the best and the highest quality solutions to numerous constitutional-legal and administrative problems, which is a precondition for quality regulation of the issue of competence and local self-government of CS.
These activities are a part of the project 'Inclusive Legal Reforms for Good Governance – Strengthening the Participatory Democracy and Good Governance through Constitutional Reforms and Stronger Local Self-Government in Canton Sarajevo“ supported by SDC (Swiss Development and Cooperation). The goal of the project is removing constitutional gray areas and eliminating the conflict of competences between nine Sarajevo Municipalities, the City of Sarajevo and Canton Sarajevo (SC). By amending the legislation and the information-education campaign „Better Sarajevo“ the project will contribute to making sure that the reforms are inclusive, that they enable broader participation of citizens and help the public interest, i.e. quality regulation of the issues of the competence and local self-government of CS.

The activities of education of the young on the importance of elections are continuing. From mid-November 2017 to end of March 2018, the peer educators of the Coalition „Pod lupom“ educated 10.000 pupils throughout BiH.
By the end of April the education of 15.000 pupils was planned, as part of the project activity entitled „I Elect for the First Time“.
These activities are implemented as part of the project BASE – Building Accountability in Elections Systems, implemented by the Coalition 'In the Spotlight' and supported by EU Delegation in BiH and USAID.

Smartphone application „Job to the People“ available at Playstore.
In this way, i.e. via the smartphones citizens have an easier access to the data concerning realization of the measures in the Reform Agenda as well as to a lot of other static data.
These activities are implemented as part of the project „Strengthening the Responsibility of the Authorities for Implementing Reforms“, the main goal of which was increasing the efficiency of the implementation of stage two of the Reform Agenda and accelerating the EU integrations, as well as development of the CSOs' image and legitimacy in advocating solutions to BH citizens' problems. The project was supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Holland in BiH. All the information about the activities on the project and the advocacy campaign „Job to the People“ is available on website www.posaonarodu.ba