Public nature of work of the governments and parliaments in BiH“ and „Programming Work/Work Planning/Planning as a Tool to Increase (Responsibility) Efficiency and Effectiveness of Work of BH institutions (authorities) The analyses "Public nature of work of the governments and parliaments in BiH“ and „Programming Work/Work Planning/Planning as a Tool to Increase (Responsibility) Efficiency and Effectiveness of Work of BH institutions (authorities)“ have been designed by CCI. Both analyses focus on the practices of executive and legislative bodies in BiH, and contain a number of recommendations aimed at improving the work of these bodies. These activities are carried out as part of the project CSSP (Civil Society Stability Program) which is financially supported by USAID. More...
Both analyses were presented in April 2014. The analysis „Public Nature of Work of Governments and Parliaments in BiH“ provides an overview of normative pre-conditions and existing practices relating to the openness and responsibility of work of top legislative and executive bodies of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a focus on quality and comprehensive nature of websites of key institutions – parliaments and governments of cantons, entities, and the state. The entire text is available from http://www.cci.ba/pubs/1/21/1.html. The other analysis "Programming work/work planning/planning as a tool to increase (responsibility) efficiency and effectiveness (of work of institutions) of authorities in BiH, should serve the government institutions as some kind of guide for their own assessment of fulfillment of undertaken commitments. The test is available at http://www.cci.ba/pubs/1/21/1.html Both analyses comprise a number of recommendations to be used by CCI in advocacy in order to improve the work of the governments and parliaments from the cantonal to state levels.
The analysis of legal, institutional and fiscal framework for development of civil society in BiH, as well as the First Report on Encouraging Environment for Civil Society Development are the analyses prepared by CPCD, which is a partner of CSSP project. The documents provide an overview of encouraging environment for development of civil society in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in relation to the legislative framework and the relevant practice, with an emphasis on key findings and recommendations for improvement. The document is available in English too at http://civilnodrustvo.ba/files/Monitoring_Matrix_on_Enabling_Environment_for_CSDev_BiH_2013_v.Eng1.pdf
Both documents will serve as a basis for establishing an advocacy platform for civil society organizations in BiH, which will be further developed and enhanced in future.
Quarterly reports on the work of the governments and parliaments were also in focus of the attention of the project activities. Publishing reports on monitoring the work of BH authorities started in June. Taking into account the events taking place in BiH in February, when citizens' dissatisfaction with the situation in the country started, in its presentation of work results of state, entities' and cantonal authorities CCI commented on fully justified protest and escalation of resentment of the public.
Given the fact that authorities' performance was disastrous by all observed parameters, such as efficiency, responsibiity and effectiveness, CCI placed an accent in its messages on the main culprits for the events in BiH, and these are the BH authorities – almost all indicators showed that the authorities at all levels dealt only with themselves. The authorities performance definitely reflects their lack of interest for citizens' problems and difficult economic and polticial situation in the country.
Training for over 30 representatives of at least 12 selected civil society organizations was held in Sarajevo in the period 20-23 May, on the subject of building and reinforcing networks and keeping constructive relations of cooperation with internal and external key actors relevant for accomplishing the main mission and goals of their organizations and networks, including planning and running efficiency advocacy campaigns.

Adoption of the amendments and effective measures for improving public budgeting policies and increasing citizens’ participation in budgeting processes at all authority levels in BiH was initiated by CCI, within its activities in the project “Budget” . This project aims at contributing toward a better understanding of BiH budget policy, so as to make the budgeting process simpler and more understandable/accessible to the public and citizens. It has been financed by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in BiH. More...
During the period March-June 2014 CCI intensified its activities on initiation and participation in making amendments to some of the key laws dealing with the budgetary policies in BiH. In relation to that, CCI prepared a package of amendments to the Draft Law on Fiscal Responsibility of RS, initiated amendments to the RS Laws on Budget System having prepared five amendments and initiated amendments to the Law on the Brcko District Budget System, with a focus on raising the level of transparency and participativeness of budgetary policies and practices. The passing of these three laws is expected during 2014. Public debates on working materials of the amendments prepared by CCI were held in Brcko and Banja Luka, while a thematic conference „Challenges of Budgetary (in)Stability in BiH“ was held in Sarajevo, with the participation of executive and legislative authorizes at all four government levels.
The promotion of the documentary film „Budget to the People“ was organized by CCI in Brcko, Banja Luka and Sarajevo. The film is a half-hour compilation of interviews with the leading persons in the field of public finances in BiH, that had been conducted to the end of making this film, of citizens’ opinions on this subject, film and TV clips, as well as animated videos aiming at present the subject of the budget to the citizens in a visual and plastic way. At the end of May the film was sent to the leading TV houses, so that at the beginning of June its broadcasting is expected on TV, i.e. public broadcasters and on commercial TV stations.
In cooperation with the partner on the project OKC, in June, CCI launched holding of the street actions aiming at a direct contact with the citizens and distribution of informative-advocacy material. The actions will take place in Mostar, Sarajevo, Tuzla, Banja Luka and Brcko.
More on the project is available from www.budzetnarodu.ba

„No excuse – Europe, now!” – country wide campaign for fostering EU integrations in BiH. Coalition of 9 NGOs from all over BiH with support from Visegrad fund and Hungarian MFA raise public awareness through street stads about stoppage European integration processes in BiH and invite citiens to sign petition as their support for change. More…
The campaign started with kick-off event in Sarajevo, 27.03.2014. including first stand at Sarajevo Chatedral Square. Besides CCI, 8 other NGOs from all over the BiH participate in this ad hoc coalition . Reaction of citizens and media was very good, with 400 signatures collected and media. The campaign continued than not only in Sarajevo, but also in other BiH cities and towns, where more than 15.000 signatures were collected. Some of street events, like Sarajevo, Zenica and Banjaluka were used to involve local celebrities to support the campaign and to give small statement for video clips used dominantly for campaign facebook page. The facebook page was fully promoted and shared, and also use as online tool for signature collection, with more than 6000 collected. Europe Day, 9th May, was an opportunity not only to organize street events, but also to send clear message to the public that Europe Day is here, but Europe is moving away – due to omission of domestic politicians. Since start of campaign, more than 70 media reports, including public broadcasters, private TV stations, newspapers and most popular portals in BiH, were announced.
Street events started in Sarajevo as explained in introduction, where Association Kult held 8 events in different locations besides main Chatedral Square: shopping malls, student campus, suburbs of Sarajevo, and completed campaign in the BiH capital on May 12th with central closing event again in front of the Chatedral, where media coverage was even better than opening. During this day, more than 600 signatures were collected, in total 2500 signatures during these several street events. Famous TV face Aleksandar Hršum was campaign promotor in Sarajevo, and his statement given to media, but also to Project video team, was used to promote campaign through social media.
Just a few days after campaign announcement and kick-off event, stands were organized in small southern municipality in Herzegovina, Široki Brijeg. Youth Council was pointing to youth issues and related it with EU. They were supported with local media, but also with public broadcaster FTV, which prepared article on central daily news about this activity in Široki Brijeg. In Zenica, in central Bosnia, first stands were organized inside of Shopping mall Dzananovic, due to very bad weather in this period. But, just for one day volunteers of Citizens Forum Zenica collected more than 500 signatures. Several stand installations were done in several days in sequence. Volunteers were supported by two Bosnian olympics competitors, Nermin Šabić and Hamza Alić, giving clear support to EU integrations by short video statements. These video statements Project video team used for short video clips used mostly through social networks. In Travnik, old Bosnian town (near Zenica, but in different canton), Consumers Club volunteers were collecting signatures several days on two main locations: Lajpzig Square and Konzum Shopping mall plato. During the campaign period, Consumers club of Central Bosnia plans to install the stands in neighbouring towns Vitez and Novi Travnik.
First stands in entity Republic of Srpska were installed in last few days of April and beginning of May in Prijedor and Banjaluka. Citizens association DON was also participating in celebrating of Europe Day, organizing a special stand on 9th May in Prijedor. In Banjaluka, chair of journalist association „BH novinari“ Mrs. Milkica Milojević was the promoter of the campaign, giving very positive statements to media which visited stand on May 7th. Same as other celebrity statements, this one will be also used for short promo video for Project facebook page.
In the capital of Herzegovina, City of Mostar, CCI team started with stands installations on May 6th, where 13 state and local media were present, including public broadcasters BHT1 and FTV, newspapers Dnevni avaz and Dnevni list. Stands were installed combining the presence on the Spanish Square and Mepas Mall, but will be installed also in student campus.
Already mentioned Europe Day was used to install the first stands for signatures collection in streets of Tuzla. Besides street stand, CCI staff will visit institutions like Tuzla University to collect signatures among student population, but also to spread importance of unblocking and boosting EU integrations process of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The analysis of the found situation in the field of adult education with an overview of EU policies and practice, has been conducted by CCI in cooperation with its partner ALDI, as part of the Project “Education and Job” Recommendations in the form of Policy Proposal, and more importantly, Model of the Law on Adult Education for the levels of Cantons in BiH Federation, were the product of this analysis. This project is supported by the Delegation of the European Commission in BiH. More…
In cooperation with the Agency for Local Development Initiatives (ALDI) and with the support of the European Union, the implementation of a two-year project „Education and Job“, was launched by CCI. The project aims at improving the rights of the workers and the mobility of workforce by establishing a legal framework for adult education, by designing, advocating and monitoring adult education legislative at the level of the cantons, entities and Brcko District. The Project will focus on passing of a coherent and harmonized legal framework in the whole country, in reference to education, re-qualification and additional qualification of adults in order to improve the situation in the labour market, i.e. reduce unemployment and improve the position of socially marginalized groups.
In the first half of 2014, together with its project partner ALDI, CCI ensured completion of a comprehensive analysis of the found situation in the field of adult education with an overview of EU policies and practice. The recommendations in the form of Policy Proposals, and more importantly, the Model of the Law on Adult Education for the level of cantons in BiH Federation were a product of this analysis. Public promotion of the project, branded under the name „Learn and Work“, of the related website www.uciradi.ba, facbook profile and all analytical and policy documents will be held at the beginning of July in Sarajevo and Banja Luka.
In parallel to these activities, CCI intensively advocated starting of the legislative procedure for passing of the Law on Adult Education, where the will of cantonal authorities was expressed at an early stage. These activities resulted in passing of the Draft Law on Adult education in Zenica-Doboj and Tuzla Cantons, starting of the public debates in which CCI delivered a set of amendments and ensured significant improvement of the original text of the Law. Passing of the concerned laws in these two cantons is expected in mid-2014.

The Institute of Health Insurance of Canton Tuzla was the first institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina to adopt the Integrity Plan as a part of the Project 'Public Health De-corruption' financed by the Delegation of the European Commission in BiH. More...
On June 03, 2014 a round table was held in the organization of the Centres for Civic Intuitive. Besides CCI representatives, the meeting was attended by the representatives of target public health institutions as well as the representatives of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of Fight against Corruption in BiH and the Agency for Fighting Corruption in the Republic of Serbia. The subject of the round table was „Integrity Plan – Reporting and Progress Evaluation in Implementation“.
A representative of the Health Insurance Institute of Canton Tuzla presented the situation in the field of fighting corruption in this Institute, i.e. the road of designing and adoption of the Integrity Plan. She also informed the attendants about the next steps in the implementation of this Plan and about reporting on the implementation effects.
Another presentation was given by a representative of the Agency for Fighting Corruption in the Republic of Serbia. Given the fact that the institutions in the Republic of Serbia are one step ahead compared to those in BiH, concerning a system fighting against corruption, the presentation by a person who is responsible for adoption and implementation of the Integrity Plans in Serbia institutions was very useful for the representatives of BH institutions in the public health sector, who have only adopted or are about to adopt these Plans.
Next steps were discussed and agreed upon, and a conclusion was made that the institutions that had not yet adopted their Plans should do it as soon as possible and that these activities should be to the maximum possible extent promoted with BH citizens in order to help reduce the perception that they have about the level of the corruption in the public health sector.

The process of legislative procedures on amendments to the laws on mediation in employment started at all authority levels in BiH Public debates on the amendments were held in Brcko, Banja Luka and Sarajevo in June and May. These activities are implemented as part of the project „Improvement the Efficiency of Public Employment Services“ , supported by the Delegation of the European Commission in BiH. More...
After CCI initiated starting of the legislative procedures to reform the Law on Mediation in Employment and related laws at the level of entities and District Brcko (laws on health insurance), a set of the amendments to the concerned legislative framework at all three levels was generated in a number of contacts, meetings and by forming the working groups during the second quarter 2014. During May and June public debates were held on these amendments in Brcko, Banja Luka and Sarajevo; they enabled focusing on the working materials and winning over a number of stakeholders for the support to these amendments. Formal initiation of the procedure of passing the amendments to the concerned laws in three governments is expected to happen in the second half of 2014.
Round table on the amendments to the concerned laws, Banja Luka, May 2014.
CCI started a publicity campaign in May and June through billboards, radio jingles and web banners. Publicity campaign was initiated in order to put the campaign demands in focus of the public interest and is complementary with the advocacy segment promoting legislative reforms. This campaign raised considerable interest of the public and the media for campaign demands as well as more visits to the website posaonarodu.ba
The project that is supported by EU has been implemented by CCI since the beginning of ; it aims at advocating reforms in the field of employment and especially at amendments to the existing legal framework that defines the work of the public employment services (PES). Within this project and in order to contribute to an increase in responsibility and efficiency of PESc, CCI performs monitoring of work of these institutions, of their policies and practices. More on the project at www.posaonarodu.ba

New CCI’s initiative in “Depoliticization of the Public Sector! since May 2014. with support by Balkan Trust for Democracy, CCI will analyze the level of influence of political parties on the selection of leading and managing bodies within the overall public sector. The analysis and recommendations will be used to launch an advocacy campaign of de-politicization of the public sector and clear separation of political from professional functions. More…
At the early stage of the project, the analysis and mapping of the public administration scheme was initiated, with a precise description of both direct and indirect political functions (parliaments, government, etc.) as well as all other functions within the public administration scheme, down to the level of public institutions and enterprises. In addition to the map of all administration bodies in BiH, this analysis will provide an overview of the concerned legal framework of the level of BIH, entities, Brcko District, cantons, and optionally, of part of the regulations for the local self-governance level. Also, the analysis will be used to make recommendations for optimization of the situation in the context of de-politicization and professionalization of public administration, all within the special context during the pre-election campaign.